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Keystone Cougar RV Kitchen Renovation


This RV Kitchen renovation may go down as my most favorite kitchen renovation ever! And I've renovated a lot of kitchens!


I started with removing everything from the kitchen. This is a huge task. Label all the doors, remove and save all the hardware, it takes days! (Click here to purchase the detailed course bundle on how I demo the RV Kitchen)

The fireplace was sold on Facebook Marketplace, and we threw out the cabinet and uppers that surrounded it to open that space up. We removed the upper middle cabinets in the coffee area (which turned out to be my most favorite area ever!!) We removed the microwave and sold that as well, and the upper cabinet surrounding it. We also removed the faucet. The countertops could have been removed, but we decided to keep them and make them work within the new design. We did this by choosing paint colors that complimented the countertops. The flooring and the slide trim went as well!

I sanded all the cabinets and painted the walls with Benjamin Moore's Steam in Scuff X Satin finish. (Linked Below) This paint is super durable but leaves a nice clean coat that is very easy to wash down and cures hard. All of the cabinets were painted in Benjamin Moore's Baby Fawn in Scuff X Satin finish. (Linked Below) This paint color is beautiful but a subtle contrast to the white walls.


Then it was time for flooring, which really makes the room come together! I used Shaw Matrix Toffee Elm LVP and it may just be my most favorite flooring ever!! (Linked Below)

Then it was time to put the room back together. We installed a new faucet, (Click here to purchase my Plumbing Bundle.) added all new knobs on the doors and pulls on the drawers, reinstalled the stove, added slide trim which we also painted Baby Fawn, and then went onto the big project: making the coffee station amazing!

I used Musselbound in place of mortar (which worked like a charm) and installed these beautiful 5 inch square tiles by pushing them against the musselbound very hard. Then I built in floating shelves, making sure to hit a stud, grouted the tiles and stained the shelves and this space was done! (Click here to learn how to build floating shelves and add a tile backsplash to an RV.)

See below for links to EVERYTHING I used to create this beautiful RV Kitchen.


** Some of the links below are affiliate links**

Paint Color:

Wall Color: Benjamin Moore's Steam in Scuff X Satin

Cabinet Colors: Benjamin Moore's Baby Fawn in Scuff X Satin

Stain Color for Shelves: 50/50 mix of Minwax Pickled Oak and Special Walnut


Musselbound (In place of mortar)

All shelf decor is from Homegoods- Sorry no links!


1 Yorum

16 Ara 2021

With the Shaw matrix flooring, do you use any sort of underlayment ?

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