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Komfort Trailblazer Living Area Renovation


This tiny little slide barely counts as a living area but it just so comfy and cozy, it deserved it's own blog post!


Literally everything in this slide went BYE BYE. Carpet, slide trim, wallpaper boarder, couch, end tables, valances, lights, upper cabinet, all of it! Once it was gutted, I added shiplap around the 3 walls to give this little nook some design and differentiation. To make the shiplap, I got 5mm utility board from Lowes and cut it down to 5.5" strips. If you're looking for more information on how to do this, check out my RV Renovation Course which has an entire section on Wall Treatments, including Faux Shiplap!

Then I primed the entire room (ceiling included) with STIX primer and painted the entire room with Benjamin Moore's Chantilly Lace in Scuff X Satin finish. This is the perfect and most durable paint and works great in the bathroom where there is a little extra moisture.

Next up was flooring. I have been using Shaw Matrix line in the last few renovations and I love this flooring so much. It's only 3.2mm thick (meaning it works great with slides and is lighter in weight than a thicker flooring) and is very easy to install. This flooring is in their style Toffee Elm.

Then it was time to trim the slide out. I have information on my Instagram account in a highlight called "Trail Living" if you'd like to see the trimming out in action! All of the shiplap needed caulk in all the corners and around the quarter round trim. This, although tedious, is a very necessary step and really elevates your RV renovation!

Lastly it was time for decor, which was very simple in this slide! Here is my explanation on the couch, because I know a lot of people will question the height. This slide is raised 12 inches from the ground because the slide goes right over the wheel well (where the wheels of the travel trailer are located.) In the original design, the couch was literally built into the slide, so essentially my clients were sitting on cushions that were affixed to the floor of the slide. I didn't want to reupholster their cushions because it felt "RV" to me. So we opted for a really comfy and plush club chair that would be perfect for reading and napping on camping trips.

Any residential chair or couch that we found that was really low to the ground (even with taking the legs off) was super uncomfortable, had a low or barely any back to it, and was honestly just a waste of money because it was not cozy like my client wanted. So we decided to sacrifice the awkward height in order to get a really plush, comfy chair. The height of the chair is even lower than the height of the bed (you can see in the pictures they look nearly identical height.) So just imagine sitting on the foot of a bed. Totally doable, right?!

And with that, this renovation was completed!!

See below to the links to EVERYTHING I used in this living area renovation!

** Some of the links below are affiliate links**

Paint Color:

Wall Color: Benjamin Moore's Chantilly Lace in Scuff X Satin


New Puck Lights (ceiling)

Runner (use my code RVRENO62 for 62% off this runner!)

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